Friday, August 8, 2008

First Staff Meeting...The Preview

Teachers and assistants all return to school on Monday! Our first meeting will include everyone from the school. To tell the truth, I am pretty nervous about the whole event. I have everything planned and believe that it will be a great meeting, but the nervousness keeps creeping in. My family and I headed back to our previous home to spend time with family and friends, in part, so I could get away from the school and leave some of the anxiousness behind. Not to mention, there was a huge storm that knocked power out at our house!
I have heard so many principals and former principals talk about setting the tone when you arrive at a new school. Many have said that you need to walk in and establish that you are in charge and there is a list of rules to be followed. My personality will not allow me to do that. I believe that I must give everyone a chance to get to know me and understand what I believe about the way school should "work". We are in an elementary school, so coming in and "laying the smack-down" on everyone seems counter-intuitive to how I want the school to operate. I want my teachers to take time to let their students get to know them, so I should model that same behavior. I also want my teachers to develop relationships with kids, so, again, I need to model that behavior with them. I will do this, not with ulterior motives, but because I believe that if you develop relationships with those you work with, then the improved work atmosphere will benefit the kids.
It was asked of Mike Rutherford ( if he would rather have his staff love him or respect him? He stated that if they respected you, then staff would do what you ask out of obligation. But, if they love you, they will do what you ask because they want to; and they'll often go above and beyond for you. I know that there is a balance that must be struck between the love and respect. There are going to be staff members who may not even like you, let alone love you, but they should all, at minimum, respect you.
This is what has me the most nervous about meeting the staff and getting together as a group for the first time. I want them to get to know me and see that I do have the best intentions for kids. I want them to believe that the choices that we make have the best interest of the kids in mind. Sometimes, this is not best for the adults in the building, but all decisions should benefit the kids.
I want my staff to respect me at the beginning, but grow to love me as a leader that is looking out for all kids. I know that in meeting them, I have respect for them because of what they have chosen to do with their lives. I hope that I grow to love them as educators.
3 days and counting...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are doing a super job. I got very emotional reading your part about respect and love. It all makes sense. Having been a 2nd level manager in an office enviroment with over 100 employees, I totally agree with your philosophy. Also, being a parent has taught me that you children may not always love you, but respect has to take precidence and not fear. Keep swimming, because we are all swimming with you!