Friday, April 24, 2009

PayDay Friday

Eveyone is always happiest on PayDay Fridays! We all look forward to a nice weekend away from work. I appreciate all that my staff does in dedication to their kids in their classrooms.
It was a good day here at the school. One of our Special Needs classes attended the county Special Olympics and the kids did very well. We are anxiously going to watch the news tonight to see if some of them make it on TV!
2nd grade students moved their learning outdoors to Hunting Island State Park. Teachers and students reported back that it was a great day. We know that these hands-on experiences create a much greater learning environment. Our Math Coach led an in-service last week showing teachers how creating those hands-on experiences at the beginning of a new unit will help all students better understand more abstract information. Teachers agreed that this approach could benefit and will begin to look at how they can move field trips and other hands-on experiences to the beginning of a unit for common background knowledge for all students to improve the learning environment!!!

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